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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Discussion Topic 2 Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Conversation Topic 2 - Personal Statement Example He focuses, tuning in with astuteness and with expanded enthusiasm for the theme. Looking straight into his face, he displays the attributes of a decent audience, as his face is consistently to his imparting accomplice. By allowing an individual the chance to talk, he guarantees that they talk reciprocally, making the correspondence procedure effective. Also, while conversing with the crowd, he keeps in touch, guaranteeing that all the individuals are focusing. Additional fascinating about him is his utilization of non-verbal communication while conveying. Each activity that demonstrates any enthusiastic inclination, the minister shows it out viably, making his method of correspondence reasonable. Having aced his responses and signals, his message is progressively justifiable when contrasted with different speakers, as Leonard (78) calls attention to that non-verbal communication is a piece of correspondence, with expanded effect on the comprehension of a speaker’s message. He is consistently discernible when conversing with an individual or the gathering, and maintains a strategic distance from an excess of data that is probably going to be a prevention to the comprehension of his message. In the event that there is one thing that I would acquire from the minister is his utilization of non-verbal communication. The way wherein he utilizes non-verbal communication is spellbinding. The planning of his motions and utilization of non-verbal communication intrigues to me more, as it supplements his discourse
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Short Case Essay Example for Free
Short Case Essay At your organization, a bottler of normal spring water, the promoting office has as of late propelled a battle that underscores the immaculateness of your item. The business is exceptionally serious, and your association has been severely harmed by an extensive strike of unionized workers. The strike genuinely disturbed creation and circulation, and it made your organization lose huge incomes and piece of the overall industry. Since the strike is finished, your organization should battle to recover lost clients and should pay for the expanded wages and advantages called for in the new association contract. The company’s monetary circumstance is tricky no doubt. You and the whole senior supervisory crew have high trusts in the new promotion battle, and starting buyer reaction has been certain. You are stunned, at that point, when your head of tasks reports to you that a furious laborer has undermined one of your packaging plants. The specialist brought a concoction into one of the machines, which thusly polluted 120,000 containers of the spring water. Luckily, the synthetic is available in incredibly minute amountsâ€no shopper might endure hurt except if the person in question drank more than 10 gallons of the water every day over a significant stretch of time. Since the machine has just been cleaned, any danger of long haul presentation has been for all intents and purposes disposed of. In any case, obviously, the cases made by your new promotion battle couldn't be all the more bogus. Rundown the entirety of the partners associated with this circumstance. Do any partner bunches have more to pick up or lose than others? Build up a technique for managing the sullying. What amount does a company’s monetary circumstance decide how moral issues are taken care of? In this circumstance the rundown of partners would be everybody in the organization. In the event that the organization can't bring in cash, at that point the organization is in question and this partners are everybody that is utilized, this incorporates myself as the proprietor of the organization to the work representatives that have a recently arranged work contract. I don't accept that anybody bunch has pretty much to free; intuitively, I would think the lower wage laborers would have more to free, however is really false, in light of the fact that its all family member. The methodology I would use to manage this circumstance is to remain fair a consistent with the item the organization sells and to the representatives. To start with, I would compose a point by point letter to everybody clarifying the circumstance. I would clarify the situation of the organization before this occurrence and the potential ramifications of this circumstance. The company’s money related circumstance has a great deal to manage how this circumstance. Which is the reason I feel it is essential to be straightforward. My arrangement is discard the sullied flexibly alongside any gear that would taint future items. I would work the supervisor or executive of disease control to ensure the debased item is properly discarded and to concoct an arrangement that would safeguard this doesn't occur once more. One everything is said and done, I would hand-off all applicable data to all the workers of the association. Further, I would l transfer a recently made strategy of what how workers will how act thusly will be managed.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Understanding the Job Characteristics Model (including Job Enrichment)
Understanding the Job Characteristics Model (including Job Enrichment) One of the most important components of human resources management is job design or work design, where the focus is on the specifications of the job that will satisfy requirements of the organization and the person holding the job. It is one core function of human resources management that cannot be overlooked or skipped, considering how it is an essential tool in ensuring high job satisfaction among workers within an organization, and improve productivity and the overall output.In the course of the life of an organization, there are changes that are bound to affect how various aspects of management operate. Human resources management is not immune to these effects and, many times, the HRM of an organization has to adapt to the changes. One form of adaptation is through implementing job or work redesigns. Another is through the conduct of various activities and programs that are aimed at job enrichment.Unfortunately, job redesign is not something that can be done overnight. There are several approaches that may be used, and one of the more popular and most acknowledged approaches is that one developed by J. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham, and which was aptly called the “Job Characteristics Modelâ€. © | baranqIn this guide, we explore 1) the job characteristics theory and model and 2) how the job characteristics model can help with job enrichment.THE JOB CHARACTERISTICS THEORYHackman and Oldham, both organizational psychologists, developed the job characteristics theory (JCT) and first introduced it in 1976 in the book “Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 16, Issue 2â€.According to this theory, “job design has an effect on motivation, work performance, and job satisfaction.†It has served as a framework for management to identify how certain job characteristics affect the outcomes of the jobs.In a more personal vein, it studies the various factors that make a specific job satisfying for the organization, and for the person doing the job. Therefore, it describes the relationship between job characteristics and the responses of individuals to work or the job being performed.The Job Characteristics Theory identified five core job dimensions that prompt three psychological states which, in turn, lead to or have an effect on five work-related outcomes or results. As we move forward with the discussion, we will expound on these further.Out of this theory, the Job Characteristics Model, which is still in full use today, was also introduced. Basically, this model specifies the conditions under which workers or individuals will be internally motivate to perform their jobs effectively.THE JOB CHARACTERISTICS MODELThe Job Characteristics Model was verified when Hackman and Oldham tested it on 658 employees, who are working in 62 different jobs in 7 different businesses or organizations. The results were deemed to be reliable and conclusive, which is the reason why it still holds a lot of weight today, despite the number of other job design theories introduced.Take a look at the diagram of the Job Characteristics Model, as presented by Hackman and Oldham. The Job Characteristics Model Hackman and OldhamIn order to get a full picture of the Job Characteristics Model, we have to go break down its composition: the five core job characteristics or dimensions, the five work-related outcomes, and the three psychological states.Five Core Job CharacteristicsHackman and Oldham provided clear definitions on the five job dimensions or characteristics.#1. Skill varietyThis refers to the “degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities in carrying out the work, involving the use of a number of different skills and talents of a personâ€. Therefore, it follows that the individual will be required to develop a variety of talents and skills.This area asks the number of skills and talents that the job requires of the person that will be working on it. A quick giveaway would be to assess whether the job is monotonous and repetitive or if it asks the worker to do a number of different tasks or actions.Compare two individuals working t wo different jobs. Job A is pretty much elementary, with the tasks being performed in a routine and repetitive manner. It does not demand much skill or ability. Job B, on the other hand, is quite complex, requiring that the worker be in possession of several skills or abilities. Who, between the two workers, will have greater chances of experiencing meaningfulness in their jobs?That’s correct. It’s the one working on Job B, since it requires variety in skills.#2. Task identityThis is the “degree to which the job requires completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work; that is, doing a job from beginning to end with visible outcomeâ€. This involves being able to work on an entire work process, rather than just on bits and pieces of it. Therefore, it is important to assess whether the job or task has a clearly defined beginning, middle and end.Workers tend to find more meaning in their jobs when they can identify a complete and visible outcome at the end of the day, or of a work cycle. Let us say, for example, that two workers are involved in the same work process. Worker A is responsible for only a small part of the work, probably in the first phase. Worker B, on the other hand, is involved throughout the entire process.Between the two, Worker B is more likely to find his job meaningful, because he can see a visible outcome, and he feels more involved in the completion of the process. For him, a job that he is able to complete, from beginning to end, seems more worthwhile, than simply working on Phase 1, then not having a hand on the rest of the process. In fact, he may not even be aware whether the process has been completed or not, because he is focused on his assigned phase of the process. #3. Task significanceTask significance is said to be the “degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, whether those people are in the immediate organization or in the world at largeâ€. The task â€" and the job â€" is signific ant if it can affect other people’s lives. And it should not just be the people within the organization, but even those outside.For many, a job holds more meaning if it can help improve the well-being of other people (not just himself), whether physically, psychologically, or emotionally. Knowing that their job, and their performance thereof, has the capacity to have a positive impact on others will motivate them further to do better.Individuals who put great stock on task significance are very keen on finding out whether the job that they are doing actually matters to other people. For them, meaning comes in the form of recognition by other people.#4. AutonomyThis pertains to the “degree to which the job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual in scheduling the work and in determining the procedure to be used in carrying it outâ€.Autonomy is often seen in positions with managerial, supervisorial and ministerial functions. Examples of jobs w ith high levels of autonomy are managers, team leaders, supervising officers, division and department heads, and senior management. These jobs tend to become more meaningful to the ones performing them because they feel greater personal responsibility for their own actions on the job.But it’s not just limited to people in managerial positions. Even workers have a strong sense of personal responsibility if they are left to perform their tasks using their own efforts and initiatives, and they are allowed to make the decisions and call the shots.They will definitely feel less of this autonomy if they are made to meekly follow the instructions of a supervisor, or adhere strictly to what a job procedures manual provides. This will not help them feel responsible for their actions at all.#5. FeedbackJob feedback refers to the“degree to which carrying out the work activities required by the job provides the individual with direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or h er performanceâ€.As much as possible, workers would like to be kept in the loop on their performance of the job. Not only will this keep them apprised of their progress as workers, it is also one way for them to boost their self-esteem. If they are told by their supervisors or managers that they are going a good job, they are likely to feel motivated to continue with how they are doing so far. In contrast, if they are told that they are not performing as expected, then they will respond accordingly and improve their performance.If all five characteristics are lumped or combined together, we will be able to come up with a single figure or index that will act as the indicator of the overall motivating potential of the job being evaluated or redesigned. This index will essentially show the possibility or likelihood of a job affecting the attitudes and behaviors of the employee or worker.This figure or index is called the MPS, or the “motivating potential scoreâ€.Using all five core job characteristics, the formula for the MPS is:MPS = (Skill variety + Task identity + Task significance)/3 X Autonomy X FeedbackThe following propositions can be gleaned from the formula:If all five core job characteristics are high, there is a high probability that the worker will experience the three psychological states. This will naturally result to positive outcomes.In order for a job to be considered to have high motivating potential, at least one among Skill Variety, Task Identity and Task Significance) should also be high. However, it is a given that the job should also be high on both Autonomy and Feedback. A low score on any of the two will pull the MPS down.A low score on any one of the three does not automatically mean that the job will have a low motivating potential, since it could be offset by a high score on any of the other two. Three Critical Psychological StatesAccording to Faturochman, the only way for the desirable outcomes to appear or materialize is for the individual to experience all three psychological states, and the only way to experience these states, is to possess the core job characteristics.Hackman and Oldham also mentioned motivation, which will definitely be high among individuals who are able to experience these psychological states.Psychological State 1. Experience meaningfulness of workIndividuals have to feel that, when they are working, they are doing something meaningful. They feel that their work, in and of itself, is meaningful. This means that they have to feel that what they are doing is generally worthwhile or of value. It should also hold some importance or significance, especially with respect to a system or a set of values that the individual, on a personal level, believes in or accepts.Looking at the diagram of the model, we can easily see that there is a connection between meaningfulness of work and the first three core job characteristics. In short, a worker will be able to find more meaning in his job if sk ill variety, task identity and task significance are present.Meaningfulness of work and Skill Variety: Not only should the job require a variety of skills and talents; it should also have the appropriate number of skills and talents, and the appropriate skills and talents.Basically, requiring too many skills and talents may make the job too overwhelming and complex, so the worker will have difficulty keeping up with it. On the other hand, a job that requires too little skills and talents may make it too boring and not challenging at all.In the same vein, the skills and talents should be a fit for the job itself. There would be no point requiring a skill or talent that will not contribute to the accomplishment of a task.Take, for example, the job of a chauffeur. Driving is the most basic skill required of him, but in many organizations, they may also require the driver to have mechanical troubleshooting skills and a talent for making conversation, especially when the nature of their job requires them to drive guests and visitors around the city.Meaningfulness of work and Task Identity:The worker will feel more pride in their work when they are able to identify it wholly and completely.Another example given in several write-ups is the manufacture of a washing machine. In the assembly line of a washing machine manufacturing company, there is one worker whose only task is to add one nut to one bolt, in the exact same spot. If he has to do this one thing repetitively, throughout a six- to eight-hour shift, he will be less motivated than, say, another worker who is in charge of attaching the drum and other parts.Meaningfulness of work and Task Significance:Say, for example, that an employee is tasked to create project proposals, with the knowledge that these proposals are likely to be approved and implemented, and will result to the company’s earnings increasing and, as a result, everyone’s bonuses also going up.Task significance is going to be high, because the employee is aware that the results of his job will benefit not only himself, but other employees of the company as well. He will therefore find his job more meaningful and will be more motivated to come up with excellent project proposals.Psychological State 2. Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the workWe are not talking here of just about any type of responsibility. In the context of the JCM, we are speaking of personal responsibility. The individual has to feel personally accountable for the outcomes or results of his work, or the tasks that he is doing.Freedom and autonomy is given in the performance of one’s job. The worker will then use this freedom of action to make decisions on how to perform the job, such as making changes in the process, deciding on scheduling, and applying certain principles that he deems appropriate and beneficial to the accomplishment of the task.However, together with this freedom and autonomy is a sense of responsibility. Depending on the d ecisions made by the worker, he or she will be responsible for the results, whether it is a success or a failure.Psychological State 3. Knowledge of the actual results or outcomesIt is a given that knowing the results or outcomes of your job will help you track or monitor your effectiveness in your job. It will also help you evaluate your job performance better.Having knowledge of the outcomes is important because:It will ensure that the worker is fully aware of the success (or failure) of his work and, in the process, allow them to learn from his mistakes.It will allow the worker to connect, on an emotional level, with the customers or end users of their outputs. Consequently, this will let them find more meaning in their work.Now let us take these three psychological states and relate them with the core job characteristics.The first three core job characteristics â€" skill variety, task identity and task significance â€" have a direct impact on the individual worker’s experience d meaningfulness of work.Meanwhile, the amount of autonomy he enjoys will have an effect on the individual’s experienced responsibility towards work outcomes or results. The fifth core job characteristic â€" feedback â€" leads to the individual gaining knowledge of the actual results of the work-related activities of the job.[slideshare id=40995540doc=happinessatworkandpassionhappylunch7diff-141101102834-conversion-gate01w=640h=330]Work-Related OutcomesOriginally, the proponents of the JCT proposed five possible work-related outcomes.Internal Work Motivation: An employee may derive motivation to perform his work from external sources. However, the best type of motivation would still be intrinsic motivation, which comes internally, or naturally in a worker.Job Satisfaction: The simple definition of job satisfaction is the level of contentment of an employee with his or her job. Hulin and Judge, however, gave a more complex definition, referring to it as a multi-dimensional psycholo gical response to one’s job, and these responses could either be cognitive, affective or behavioral.Performance Quality: This outcome focuses on the overall quality of how the work was performed. Was it effective? Was it efficient? Were the targets achieved? Were the standards of quality adhered to?Absenteeism: A highly motivated worker will definitely register low absenteeism. Usually, workers who are bored with their work, or not challenged at all, will not have the enthusiasm that pushes them to get up each morning to go to work. They will not look forward to the work day ahead and, as a result, are more than likely to just not go to work altogether. Of course, it goes without saying that absenteeism is one of the primary reasons for low productivity.Turnover: In any case, a company that registers a high turnover rate in personnel means that there are problems on how its human resources are managed. It could be that the poor job design does not motivate workers to stay long wit h the company. Thus, they will look for other jobs in other companies or industries.High turnover also means ultimately higher costs and inefficiencies for an organization. It means they have to frequently recruit and hire people and train the ones that are hired. After a few months, after the employees leave and new ones are hired, another round of training will take place. This will definitely mean more training costs to the company, not to mention severance packages for those who left.In 1980, however, a revision of the theory and model had the number of outcomes going from five to four. Absenteeism and turnover are removed, and performance quality is broken down into two:Quality of Work: How is the work performed? Are the standards of quality set by the company met?Quantity of Work: How much of the work was performed? Was the worker able to complete the expected amount of work within the time allotted, without compromising on quality?The heart of the Job Characteristics Model en tails designing (or redesigning) the job in a manner where the core job characteristics are a perfect and complementary fit to the individual’s or worker’s psychological state and, in the process, lead to the achievement of positive and desired outcomes or results.ModeratorsThe theory is not all cut and dried, however, because even the brains behind the JCT recognized that there will be varying responses to jobs that are deemed to have high motivating potential. In short, some employees may respond positively, but there may also be those who would not be affected in the same way.They addressed this gray area by pointing out that there are inherent traits or characteristics among individuals that will help bridge that divide often seen between the job characteristics and the psychological states. They called these the “moderatorsâ€.1. Knowledge and skills needed to perform the work or task required in the jobThe moderator is the level of knowledge and skill that the individual possesses, relevant to the job. Individuals who possess the skills, knowledge and competence in their performance of their job are more likely to feel positively towards their job and, in turn, this will pave the way for obtaining good or better results.In contrast, if the person performing the job has insufficient knowledge and skill towards the job, there is a low chance of him experiencing the psychological states. He can also expect less than stellar, and even negative, results or outcomes.2. Growth need strengthAccording to the theory, Growth Need Strength (GNS) moderates the relationship between core job characteristics and the psychological states. At the same time, it also moderates the relationship between the psychological states and the possible results or outcomes.This answers the following questions:How strongly does the individual want to accomplish something?How much does the individual hunger for personal learning and development?“Growth need strength†is define d as the degree to which people have a need for personal growth and development. Individuals who are “hungrierâ€, or those who have high growth need strength, are more likely to have a more enthusiastic response to various opportunities that come their way. They have a greater thirst for personal accomplishment, and they will see the job as an excellent tool for learning and development.3. “Context†satisfactionThe context we are talking about here is “work context†or “job contextâ€, and they often include job security, pay or compensation, the co-workers, and the managers. It means that individuals may be motivated by internal aspects, but that does not mean they completely ignore the external ones.Individuals are also inclined to respond positively if they are satisfied by the contextual factors mentioned. For example, if they feel that they are being paid an amount commensurate to their job, then they will be more motivated to perform better. If they are satisfied with the quality of leadership that the supervisor is demonstrating, then they are also likely to improve their performance at work as part of the team.The rule of thumb is that, the higher the moderator levels are, the higher will also be the likelihood of the three psychological states to be experienced by the individual.Individuals that exhibit high levels in the moderator variables (knowledge and skills, growth need strength and work context satisfaction) are more likely to have a more positive response in their experience of the psychological outcomes. This also means that they can expect better outcomes or results.HOW THE JCM CAN HELP JOB ENRICHMENTApplication of the Job Characteristics Theory and model will enable the company to design jobs better and, in many cases, redesign existing jobs. The most common actions derived from the application of the theory are:Enforcing job rotationAdd variety and challenge by encouraging job rotation. There is a lower possibility of workers being bored of what they are doing, since they will not be stuck with their job for years on end.They will also get to have a bigger glimpse of the work that is being done by the company, instead of being solely focused on their own tasks.Varying assigned work and combining tasksIn order to enable skill variety, the jobs may be redesigned to require skills and talents that are varied instead of being monotonous and repetitive. By combining different tasks in a job, you will also be enhancing task identity and task significance.Delegation of tasks to the lowest possible levelWhile there are advantages to centralization (e.g. more control, easier monitoring), decentralization is still widely preferred. If tasks are delegated to the lowest possible level, this will encourage autonomy even among the rank-and-file. This vertical loading or distribution of jobs will, in turn, create a deeper sense of responsibility among all employees for the outcomes of their work.Assigning work to group s or teamsNot only will this encourage teamwork and cooperation within the organization, it will also encourage the wholeness of the output of the processes of the company. Being able to see the whole process or the bigger picture is one way to enforce task identity among the workers. When assigning tasks to teams, make sure that the teams are identifiable, specifically with the type of work they do. Team identity must be kept clear and strong to begin with.Encourage the sharing of ideasAsk for the ideas of other workers and encourage them to share their opinions and suggestions. The team â€" the organization, as a whole â€" is working towards a common goal, so it is only right to get everyone involved.Set effective performance evaluation and rewards systems in placeMotivate employees by putting in place systems to evaluate performance and give rewards. When evaluating performance and setting rewards,Set performance standards high, but still attainable. This will encourage employees to perform better than average.Measure performance objectively. There should be a system that can measure performance effectively and objectively.Provide incentives for executives, employees, and groups. Some examples of incentives are pay raises, bonuses, additional compensation packages, profit sharing, and stock options, to name a few.Connect the employees or workers with the customers or end usersThis will allow the workers to know firsthand what the end users think or feel about the output of their work. This feedback mechanism has proven to be one of the most effective, since the workers are directly connecting to those that they are serving or catering to.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Distribution Of Power Throughout Old Kingdom Egypt And...
VCE Ancient History Unit 2 Historical Enquiry Explain the distribution of power in Old Kingdom Egypt and the first intermediate period, the social, political, and economic reasons for the constructors of pyramids, and Egyptian belief concerning the afterlife. The Great Pyramids of Giza are considered to be three of the world’s most fascinating and astonishing archaeological marvels. On the edge of modern-day Cairo stands the plateau of Giza, on which these extraordinary pyramids were constructed approximately 4,500 years ago, yet to this day, they are regarded as three of the world’s largest human-made structures, standing, collectively, at 1116 feet tall. However, the Pyramid of Khufu, is by far the most captivating. As the biggest pyramid of the three (despite Khafre’s Pyramid being mistaken as the larger one as it was built on higher ground), Khufu’s Pyramid (more commonly referred to as the Great Pyramid) once stood at a towering 481 feet tall, however, over the centuries it has been affected by erosion, and combined with the absence of its pyramidion, its present height reaches 455 feet, with it’s base covering an area of 230.4 metres. The Great Pyramid was built around 2580-2650 BC, during the Four th Dynasty, and is believed to have been constructed as a tomb for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Furthermore, many egyptologists argue the time period in which Khufu’s Pyramid was formed, with John Romer proposing a 14-year time span, and Mark LehnerShow MoreRelatedThe Birth of Civilization18947 Words  | 76 PagesHOW DID control over water resources influence early Middle Eastern civilizations? 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Production Possibility Frontier ( Ppf ) Essay - 952 Words
1. Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) is a graph that shows the potential combinations of goods that an economy is able to produce given available technology and factors of production. ïÆ'Ëœ Its slope is negative, shape is concave or bowed, points inside are inefficient, a point on the PPF are efficient and attainable, point above are unattainable and also require economic growth. ïÆ'Ëœ Economic growth is achieved by increasing the economics’ growth, ability to produce. 2. Opportunity cost is the value of next best option. Giving up one thing to do something else. ïÆ'Ëœ Parts of opportunity cost are explicit costly (money spent along the project to make it happen, for the task to be done perfectly money and labor need to be involved, e.g. Boss paid workers for their project, students pay tuition to enroll in class and all other amenities involved.) and implicit cost (one’s time value or origin in the next best alternative. The time incorporated in order to run out the next best option). 3. Macroeconomics deals with large scale phenomena. Microeconomics deals with the options of small economic unit. ïÆ'Ëœ Microeconomics involves supply and demand in an individual market, individual consumer behavior, and externalities arising from production and consumption; while, macroeconomics involves monetary/fiscal policy, reason for inflation and unemployment, and international trade/ globalization. ïÆ'Ëœ Microeconomics discusses topics like individual labor market, consumer behavior, and theoryShow MoreRelatedMicroeconomy Homework1744 Words  | 7 Pagesboth countries D) good Y is the same for both countries Production Possibilities Frontier Questions 16 to 18 refer to the figure below 16) Point C on the production possibilities frontier in the above figure illustrates A) a point that achieves production efficiency B) a combination of goods and services that cannot be produced efficiently C) a point that achieves greater production efficiency than point A and B D) a production point that underutilizes resources 17) In the above figureRead MoreIb Work822 Words  | 4 Pagesof Beckham uses economic resources to produce tea and crumpets. Use the following production possibilities frontier for questions 3–4. 3. Economic growth is best represented by a movement from k. A to B l. B to C m. C to D n. D to E o. E to A 4. The shape of this PPF tells us that p. economic resources are perfectly substitutable from production of tea to production of crumpets. q. citizens prefer that an equal amount of tea and crumpets beRead MoreAssignment Questions On Economic Principles1049 Words  | 5 Pageseconomists to make decision of the alternative use of scarce resources. By using production possibility frontiers (PPF) can be illustrated the opportunity cost to result a clear simple way to effects of making economic choice. A PPF is show the consumers goods and consumers services at the same time. B) Suppose that the two goods that the country AMP produces Apples and Mobile phones. If the production possibility frontiers (PPF) were a straight line, the additional of the unit of mobile phones requiredRead MoreEconomics687 Words  | 3 Pages a. Use a production possibilities frontier graph to illustrate the trade-off to an economy between producing consumption goods and producing capital goods. Is it likely that the production possibilities frontier in this situation would be a straight line or bowed out? Explain briefly. b. Suppose a technological change occurs that has a favourable effect on the production of capital goods but not on consumption goods. Show the effect on the production possibilities frontier. c. SupposeRead MoreEconomic Models Are False And So Government Should Ignore Their Predictions1469 Words  | 6 Pagesmonitored to understand and predict for the future benefit that is where the economic models are helpful. There are several economic models that helps in predicting economic activities among them is production possibility frontier model (PPF). Production possibility frontier model shows the maximum production capacity of the business by utilizing all the available resources like manpower, land, capital and other resources (Khan, n.d., para. 4).This will help to maximize the employment and utilizationRead MoreHow Freely Operating Market System1109 Words  | 5 Pageswhich is a production possibilities frontier (PPF). Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) A production possibilities frontier shows the combination of the production between two products (Spaulding, 1982). An economy can achieve the maximum potential level of output for two goods or services when all its resources are fully and efficiently employed by using a production possibilities frontier (Sumanasiri, 2014). Figure. 4 A production possibility frontier (PPF) As we canRead MoreMacro Eco1739 Words  | 7 Pagesshirts with inputs of labor. Econoland has 1000 hours of labor available. A haircut requires  ½ hour of labor, while a shirt requires 5 hours of labor. Construct Econolands PPF. Answer 1: To construct Econolands Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) we first need to understand what is a PPF. A production possibilities frontier (PPF) is a graph showing the different quantities of two goods that an economy can efficiently produce with limited productive resources. Points along the curve describeRead MoreQuestions On Business Economics And The Production Possibilities Frontier As A Result Of Workers Moving From Their Domestic Countries1837 Words  | 8 PagesK140882 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The report deals with issues that arise in the production possibilities frontier as a result of workers moving from their domestic countries to foreign countries for better work opportunities. Major focus of this report is on change in PPF curve due to emigration and how production is being affected due to it. The main issues discussed in the report are how change in technology or resources mediate PPF curve outward or inside and how environment is being affected by that.Read MoreEfficiency Gain of International Trade Essay1745 Words  | 7 Pagesshapes of the production possibility frontier, and briefly discuss the factors contributing to their shapes. The shape of the production possibility frontier (PPF) of a country depends on: (1) its factor endowments and (2) the production functions of the various commodities. The plausible shapes of the production possibility frontier include: Linear Suppose there are constant returns to scale in both industries and only one factor, then the production possibility frontier is a straightRead MoreHow Will The Frontier Be Affected By A Positive Change?1274 Words  | 6 PagesQuestion One a. Why is the PPF concave to the origin? The production possibilities frontier is concave to the origin as it represents the increase opportunity goods along with the outputs of goods which is increasing. This is due to the law of opportunity goods – with one increase or production, an increase in opportunity costs follows (Layton, Robinson and Tucker, 2016). b. How will the frontier be affected by a positive change in technology for the product on the horizontal axis? The points represented
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Military Commission Free Essays
For years I have been dedicated to the principles and values that are represented by the United States Navy within my everyday life, and to the philosophy that governs the role of the Health Care Administration Officer in the Medical Service Corps. For this reason, among many, I am seeking a commission with the United States Navy in this capacity. My strong work ethic, my adherence to the philosophy and ethics of both the Navy and the medical field, and my ability to work as a member of a team make me a successful candidate for this position, and I am certain that I have many qualities that I could bring to this commission that would enhance not only my own abilities, but enhance the United States Navy. We will write a custom essay sample on Military Commission or any similar topic only for you Order Now Early on I realized that it was important to help others, to go outside of the box that is the average person’s life and reach out to others, whether they live right next door or across the world. It was this desire that led me to volunteer and participate in community service, an experience that has helped me develop into an individual that enjoys serving mankind, and who understands the importance of doing so because I have witnessed the effects kindness and compassion has on others in need. Along with my desire to serve mankind through compassion, I also saw the United States military as sharing those values that I cherished, and realized that a career in the military would allow me to use my strengths in pursuit of attaining both my own goal, and that of our nation. In high school I joined the NJROTC and remained dedicated to this organization throughout four years until graduation. I have served as a Supply Officer and Commander, and through these experiences I have developed the commitment, courage, and discipline through the training provided to me by the United States Navy. Throughout these years I have never given up my belief that helping others is the highest calling of any individual, and the U.S. Navy brings out the best in me, and it is these traits that I wish to bring to the Medical Service Corps. It was my time in the Leadership Academy through the NJROTC that truly transformed my life and pushed me in the direction of my ultimate goal in a commission with the U.S. Navy. During my time at the Leadership Academy I was pushed to my limits both intellectually and physically, and was asked time and time again to be the best cadet that I could be. The fact that this was expected of me, and that others truly believed in me, gave me the will power and self-confidence to challenge myself to limits that I had never imagined possible. I was instilled with confidence, honor for myself and my nation, and learned to be self-reliant. These values all helped me develop leadership qualities within myself. By the end of my time at the Leadership Academy I was placed as one of the top three cadets and had developed new goals for myself, goals that I intend to fulfill within this commission. In pursuit of this goal, I have attained a Masters degree in Health Care Management, a field that allows me to use all of my strengths to the betterment of others. My ability to organize and effectively communicate with others are essential in this field, and I have spent many years, both inside a classroom and within the NJROTC and beyond, developing my management skills. A Health Care Administration Officer requires the ability to manage effectively and create a team environment in which to function. The leadership abilities that I began developing at Leadership Academy, and which I have continued to develop, are essential to being successful in this field. My time in the NJROTC has taught me that I must have high standards for myself in all aspects of my life, and this would transfer easily to this position. Beyond this, my dedication to helping others and showing compassion to those who are in pain or ill, has led me to the belief that I would bring a great deal to the position of Health Care Administration Officer in the United States Navy’s Medical Service Corps, and I would be proud to continue the tradition of service and sacrifice that has been shown by my predecessors in this commission. How to cite Military Commission, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Descriptive Paragraph free essay sample
Those cruel words had dug right into my heart, as if someone had stabbed me at that moment. Her eyes were frosty deep blue, she had blond hair the smell of divine cherry, and her perfume of sweet vanilla. As I walked away from her you could hear the creeks of the floor as I took each step down that colorless hall. When I entered our room; I could almost remember every single one of our happiest moments. As I started to weep silently I got out one of the traveling bags from underneath the bed, took my clothes from the drawer, and placed it swiftly inside. When I had finished packing I breathlessly passed by her, inhaling her perfume one last time. Not stopping to say goodbye, I touched the briskly knob and gently closed the door behind me. When I got outside, I noticed that the once busy streets were now empty; as if in some strange way the coming of the never ending rain had dried up the city, pounding on the rooftops and turning the sidewalks and roads into vast lakes of dead muddy waters. Dark gray clouds covered the once vivid blue sky only letting a few rays of feeble sun slip past the barrier. The monotonous sound of raindrops beating on the sidewalk blended in with the occasional whoosh of the breeze through the treetops. Everything was bleak, gray, and dreary- even the atmosphere. People dressed in heavy coats, and bearing large umbrellas walking quickly with purpose, not stopping to look at anything or anyone. Once I got to the corner it seemed like I was the only person standing there now, at that isolated corner waiting†¦ except I wasn’t exactly sure of what though; her, or some sort of transportation to take me far away from that dreary place. The rain was now tickling my nose and I could feel the water from beneath my feet in my shoe, as well as I could feel my now very messy damp hair. As I raised my right hand for a cab I felt a very freezing raindrop go down my arm, under my sleeve, and past my chest The black and yellow cab stopped right in front of me making it easier for me to go inside of it without having to step in the soggy mud. As the driver turned around to ask â€Å"where to? †I noticed the juiciest, most mouthwatering hamburger with the smell of a Saturday afternoon barbeque held up in his right hand. My stomach grumbled; for I hadn’t eaten yet, so I said without hesitating, to take me to the nearest restaurant, as he gave me a weird look, grinned and turned back to the wheel. As we were getting I leaned my face on the window thinking about the whole break-up and with a positive attitude I whispered silently â€Å"its for the best†as the window in front of me fogged up. After ten minutes of being in the cab. I finally hit my stop. I thanked the driver paid him, opened the door and got out, just see myself standing in front of Mc Donald’s- the best most wonderful restaurant at that moment ; just because I was starving. I quickly grabbed my bags that I had put on the wringing wet ground and started running to get inside trying to not get a single raindrop on me. Once I got a hold of the handle, I opened the door, steeped inside and noticed that this McDonalds wasn’t like the others, it had a lot more space, and it seemed like there wasn’t such a crowd because of it. This McDonalds had two floors; the first floor for ordering, washrooms and some space to eat with seats and tables, and the second floor was manly focused on seats and tables except only with a massive glass wall on the right, allowing you to see outside. When I finished ordering my double cheese burger with fries and a drink, I went to get a seat on the second floor beside the over sized window, and while I stared at each drop of rain hit the bare ground I took my biggest bite at the burger tasting the juicy ground beef, the sour lemon with the soft, white brown buns, the spicy pepper mixed up with the grilled cheese stacking up on top of each other tasting very appetizing and pleasantly in my mouth. Finishing my last bite of the burger and having my last drink of the cup I threw the garbage out, not noticing whether I was recycling or not. I picked up my bags and headed for the exit. When I was opening the bleak handle, getting ready to be soaking wet once again, I noticed that some girl had knocked down my bags onto the floor causing all my clothes that were inside to go flying everywhere. I quickly bent down to the floor trying to get my belongings back into my now broken bag, and also not letting people see my lucky colorful , full of life rainbow boxers. Getting up to see from afar if I had missed anything the girl that had made me drop my stuff came up to me apologizing and handed back to me the last pair of pants that I had missed. She had polished light brown hair, her eyes forest green and her skin looking naturally moisturized †¦she was stunningly beautiful! Stretching out my hand to get a hold of my pants again, I told her it was okay with a greeting smile whole she still kept her hand up waiting for me to shake it. When I touched her soothing hand I had forgotten everything that had happened the whole day because I had a feeling everything was going to change. She told me her name was Fiona; waiting for a response I told her my name was Colin. Letting go of her hand she offered to buy me a drink for what she had done, as I agreed we bought some coffee and sat where I had been sitting before; beside the clear window. We started talking as I noticed that the sun was glowing giving the grass a natural sparkle and drying up the streets from the heavy rain. The sky was back to its radiant light blue color and my heart had been fulfilled once again.
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